location info

Rocky Neck is located in the village of Niantic in East Lyme, Connecticut, with coastline facing Long Island Sound. The official address is 244 W Main Street, Niantic, CT 06357. Event time and entry information will be shared with formal invitations.

air travel info

The closest airports are Bradley International Airport in Hartford, CT (1 hr away) and T.F. Green International Airport in Warwick, RI (1 hr away). Logan (Boston) and John F. Kennedy (NYC) are both just over 2 hours away.

There are plenty of local places to stay but here are some recommendations. Please reach out if you are having trouble finding somewhere to stay!


For the forest folk! Camping is available right at Rocky Neck State Park within walking distance of the pavilion. A few other nearby state parks also offer camping at an affordable cost. Please note that these sometimes book out in advance and season end dates can vary from year to year.